Contact St Joseph's Catholic Church, Lancaster

Address: ST. Joseph’s Presbytery, Slyne Road, LA1 2HU

Tel: 01524 32493

Use the form on the right to make contact.

2 Slyne Road
Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 2HU

01524 32493

St Joseph’s Catholic Church in Lancaster – St Joseph’s parish comprises the northern side of the River Lune at Lancaster, taking in Ryelands, Skerton, Beaumont, and Halton. We are a small community where you will receive a warm welcome.


Quarant' Ore
to Oct 17

Quarant' Ore

Each year every parish of the Diocese has the opportunity to celebrate the Quarant' Ore, or Forty Hours, Devotion - a time of extended prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Throughout the year, in one church or another across the Diocese, you will be able to find Adoration going on, offering a continuous prayer of praise from the People of God before the Father.

Our turn is coming up. Please make time over the weekend of 15-17 October to come and adore the Lord. In the silence of His Presence and in prayer and contemplation, we are able to lift all the needs of our world, country, community, parish, families and ourselves before God. The doors of the church will be open, candles will be lit, and whether you want to pop in for 5 minutes or spend a whole hour before the Lord, you are all most welcome.

FRIDAY 15th October.

6pm onwards: Opening Mass and Adoration. 7pm Forever Amen Praise & Worship. 9pm: Compline & Close of Exposition

 SATURDAY 16th October.

9.35am : Rosary for Vocations. 10am: Mass & Confessions. 10.30am onwards: Adoration. 5.45 Confessions. 6.30pm Vigil Mass. 7.15pm Adoration with simple Benediction & Close of Exposition at 8pm.

 SUNDAY 17th October

9am onwards: Exposition. 10am: Mass followed by Adoration. 4pm October Devotions concluding with Solemn Benediction.


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125th Birthday Party
2:30 PM14:30

125th Birthday Party

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An end of summer event to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the Parish with food from all nations, music, fairy lights, and fun for all the family. The event is open to the whole community. Come along, join in the fun, and bring your family and friends. Bring your own drinks.

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The Alpha Experience
7:30 PM19:30

The Alpha Experience


In September a new series of online Alpha courses will begin. If you would like to join this fantastic journey, please email to register your interest, and please invite many others.

Do you have questions about life, about why we exist, how we make sense of suffering, where God is in all of this, and who is God anyway? The Alpha course provides a setting where life's questions can be explored, beginning by watching a short video together and some time for discussion. 

Some of the most unlikely people join us for Alpha. You don’t need to have any faith background, just an openness to explore, to listen and to discover. Whoever you are, you will receive a warm welcome at St Joseph’s.

Some of our past participants shared some of their reflections: ‘I am eternally grateful for Alpha’, ‘Totally outside my comfort zone, but the level of friendship that I discovered is something totally new to me’, ‘The videos were amazing and to hear how peoples lives have been transformed made me open my eyes’. Come and join us…


Please could you let us know if you can come or if you are interested by emailing, 

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Heritage Open Day
2:00 PM14:00

Heritage Open Day

Heritage Open Day. The church will be open on Saturday 11 September for a special event from 2 to 3.30 with the opportunity for guided tours, for refreshments and home made cakes, and a visit to our gardens.

Please email us beforehand to let us know you are coming.

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Half-an-Hour of Healing
7:30 PM19:30

Half-an-Hour of Healing


Recognising the toll that this past year has taken on us all, we will be running a series of simple healing services with candlelit prayer, beautiful music and silence in the church. This is appropriate for everyone, regardless of whether they are Catholic or not, so please invite your friends, neighbours and colleagues.

Are you struggling with your health, or do you know anyone who is? Come and pray for them. Jesus has immense compassion on those who were suffering from blindness, deafness, paralysis, leprosy, and all kinds of sicknesses and ailments - and power came out of Him to heal them all. Why not you too?

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First Saturday Devotion
9:30 AM09:30

First Saturday Devotion

In this centenary year of the apparitions of Our Lady in Fatima to three peasant children in 1917, some parishioners have asked to pray the ‘First Saturday Devotion’ which was recommended to us by Our Lady at Fatima and who promised us that those who pray this Devotion, I will “assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation.” Sounds helpful? Read on…

Appearing with the Queen of Heaven in one apparition was the Infant Jesus, who said to Lucia, one of the visionaries: “Have pity on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother. It is covered with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment, and there is no one to remove them with an act of reparation.” Our Lady then spoke: “See my Heart encircled by thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. Do you, at least, strive to console me? Tell them that I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all those who, in order to make reparation to me, on the First Saturday of five successive months, go to Confession, receive Holy Communion, say five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for a quarter of an hour of prayer and meditation.”

Beginning the first Saturday of August, next Saturday, at 9.45am, you are invited to pray the Rosary, celebrate Mass, and Confessions will be available afterwards with a time of Adoration and prayer. We will pray this Devotion each first Saturday till December.

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Divine Mercy Chaplet
9:40 AM09:40

Divine Mercy Chaplet


Join us to pray the Divine Mercy chaplet every Friday at 9.40am, the hour in which Christ was nailed to the Cross for the salvation of the world. Let us enter into this prayer, given to us by St Faustina, and pray for an outpouring of God’s mercy upon our families, our parish and our world.

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Biblical Walk through the Mass
7:00 PM19:00

Biblical Walk through the Mass


An exploration of the biblical roots of the Mass to deepen our understanding of what happens, and how the Mass transforms our lives and the whole of history. Five sessions delivered online beginning on Thursday 22 July at 7pm. Everyone is welcome. Registration for Zoom link at, please email

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Life in the Spirit
7:00 PM19:00

Life in the Spirit


The Gift - a Life in the Spirit course - beginning on Thursday 6th May 2021, 7pm to 8.30 pm via Zoom.

This is an inspiring and practical 7-week series aimed at people of all ages to help them encounter the Holy Spirit and empower them to share their faith.

The session themes include ' The Father's loving plan, The Joy of the Gospel, The Cross, The Gift of the Spirit, Unwrapping God's Gift, Encountering God's Spirit and Living in The Spirit.

The teachings are relaxed, personal and informative, rooted in the Bible, the Catechism, Evangelii Gaudium and reflections on The Holy Spirit from Pope Francis.

If you are interested, please email and the zoom link will be sent to you.

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Mass for Travellers
10:00 AM10:00

Mass for Travellers


Usually at this time of the Year we celebrate the Appleby Fair, but this year it has been postponed because of Covid. But in this Year dedicated to St Joseph, we wanted to celebrate a special Mass for the Travelling community and anyone else who would like to come. St Joseph spent much of his life with the holy family, travelling from Nazareth to Bethlehem, from Bethlehem to Egypt, from Egypt to Nazareth, and from Nazareth to Jerusalem on many occasions, and he also would have travelled for his work. His life reminds us that we are all just passing through this world, and that Heaven is our homeland. In this Mass we will pray for the Travelling community, for their protection, and for Heaven’s blessing upon them.

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Divine Mercy Sunday Devotions
2:00 PM14:00

Divine Mercy Sunday Devotions


From Good Friday to the eve of Divine Mercy Sunday, you are invited to pray the Divine Mercy Novena. On Divine Mercy Sunday, 11 April, there will be Confessions and Adoration from 2pm and special devotions at 3pm: veneration of the holy image, the chaplet, and Benediction. Our Lord said to St Faustina, ‘On this day the very depths of my tender mercy are open’.

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Holy Week
to Apr 4

Holy Week

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Maundy Thursday. Mass of the Last Supper at 7pm

‘Maundy’ comes from the Latin word, ‘mandatum’ and it relates to Christ washing the feet of the disciples and his ‘command’ to love as He has loved. In this celebration, we celebrate three things: the institution of the Eucharist, the institution of the Priesthood, and, Christ’s command of brotherly love. This year there will be no washing of feet, but maybe this is something you can do at home. Similarly, make yourself a little shrine or altar where you can be with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, and remain there with the Lord in silence and adoration.

Good Friday. 10.30am Stations of the Cross. 3pm Good Friday Service

The 3pm service begins with the priest lying prostrate on the floor, symbolising the grief and sorrow of the Church, the hour at which Christ died. The service includes the ancient ritual of the creeping of the cross, where we revere the wood of the cross. Make a cross or place one in the centre of your house and pray before it today.


Holy Saturday. 8am Morning Prayer

Emptiness, desolation, absence. Jesus lies in the tomb, dead. He descends into the underworld, uniting himself totally with our mortality. This is a day to spend with Our Lady who waited in grief, and in hope.


The Easter Vigil at 8.30pm

This vigil at 8.30pm is the mother of all holy vigils, quite unlike anything else. The darkness of the night is broken by the light of the paschal candle which is lit from a fire. The Mass begins in candlelight, includes readings which take us through the whole history of salvation, and then the renewal of our baptismal vows. The Church will be filled with joy, light, and life after the length of Lent.


Easter Sunday Mass at 10am

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Novena to St Joseph
to Mar 19

Novena to St Joseph


St. Joseph, you are a model of obedience in fulfilling the commands of God! The Lord revealed the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God to you through an angel. Intercede for us so that the Holy Spirit can enlighten us with His grace, and teach us to co-operate with Him faithfully on the way leading to salvation. May He guide our will and strengthen it particularly when we have to take important decisions that they may be in accordance with the will of God. Amen

Let us pray:

O God, You were pleased to choose Saint Joseph as the husband of Mary and the guardian of your Son.  Grant that, as we venerate him as our protector on earth, we may deserve to have him as our intercessor in heaven. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen


St. Joseph, you suffered in Bethlehem when you were unable to find any room at the inn for the birth of the awaited Saviour. Yet you bore your pain in silence, surrendering yourself to God’s Providence. Teach us to bear in silence and in tranquillity all our difficulties and sufferings. You who rejoiced in the homage paid to Jesus by the simple shepherds, and in the humble faith of the Magi who brought Him royal gifts, obtain for our hearts living faith in the mystery of the Saviour, so that we may profess it not only with our lips but with our entire lives. Amen


St. Joseph, support us with your example and your help that we may always practice sacrifice and magnanimity. May we protect and defend the life of each of our children, every person, especially those who are sick, weak and those with special needs. Amen


St. Joseph, it was to you that God commended the priceless gifts of heaven and earth as the foster father of the One who feeds all the creatures in the world. Of all the saints you, after Mary, are the one who is worthy of our greatest love and honour, because you were elected to the highest dignity of bringing up, feeding and caring for the Son of God. At a time when fatherhood is in crisis, intercede before God for all fathers, especially for those who for various reasons are not fulfilling their vocation to fatherhood. Obtain for them the grace to return to their families and their children; may they receive the grace to fulfil their duty to their families in a spirit of sacrifice, responsibility and love. Amen


St. Joseph, intercede for us before God that we may understand and fully appreciate the meaning of our work, that through it we may come closer to God, the Creator and Redeemer, and that we might participate in His redemptive plans for mankind and for the world. Obtain for us zeal in performing our daily duties and teach us to work honestly and diligently. Amen


St. Joseph, Spouse of the Mother of God and Foster Father of the Redeemer, obtain for all families the kind of love that will enable married couples to give themselves to each other unconditionally because of the sacramental presence of Christ and their freely-made vows. Thanks to a love like that, a family is formed, develops, matures and is a source of peace, unity and happiness for children as well as for parents. Amen


St. Joseph, you ended your life in the presence of the Blessed Virgin and of Christ. Obtain for us the grace of persevering in the grace of God to the end, and together with Jesus and Mary come to us in the last moment of our earthly life so that we can enter the kingdom of Light. Amen


St. Joseph, you deserved to hold in your hands with reverence the only Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary. We pray through your intercession for all priests that they may have the grace of serving at the altar of God in purity of heart. Amen


St. Joseph, your mission was to care for, defend, watch over and support Jesus and Mary. Today, the Church of Christ needs your care. We ask for your intercession so that we may not be harmed and can act within the world. Your mission is our mission: we are to protect Christ, allowing Him to grow within us and around us. Amen

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Online Mass
to Jul 30

Online Mass


In the first week of January, Fr Philip is having a week’s break. Online Masses will resume thereafter.

Even with the resumption of public celebration of Masses, we will continue to offer our online Masses for those who are housebound or who cannot join us in the church for whatever reason. Weekday Masses are at 6.30pm on Tuesdays and at 10am on Wednesday to Saturday, and Sunday Mass is at 10am on the St Josephs Lancaster Facebook page, livestreamed. As it is a public page, you do not need to have a Facebook account, just enter ‘St Josephs Lancaster Facebook’ into your search engine and you will be able to watch live, or watch the recorded Masses and participate with people from across the world and stand at the foot of the Cross and receive the graces of the Resurrection.

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Christmas Celebrations
to Dec 25

Christmas Celebrations

The Word was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us. The first Mass of Christmas will be the Vigil Mass on the evening of the 24 December at 6pm, the second at 10pm. Christmas Day Mass will be at 10am. Everyone is most welcome to celebrate the birth of Our Saviour.

Please note that once our Church is at its Covid-safe capacity, we will not be able to take additional people into the Church. For this reason an additional Mass has been scheduled for 6pm on Christmas Eve, particularly for families. All Masses will be livestreamed on Facebook.

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Advent Meditation by Candlelight
7:00 PM19:00

Advent Meditation by Candlelight


In the manic preparations for Christmas, our online Advent Meditation by Candlelight will provide a quiet interlude, enabling you to gather thoughts and find peace, and to prepare for the coming of Our Saviour. Solo artists, music and readings, all with candlelight will make this a beautiful evening of preparation.

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Parish Quiz
7:30 PM19:30

Parish Quiz


Parish Quiz on Friday 11 December at 7.30pm. Please find the link through Facebook in the Events. You can join us as a single person on Zoom, or make up a team with your isolated family unit. If you’re home alone, or not too confident with Zoom, why not use your phone to ‘phone a friend’ who is familiar and work out a way to team up using the telephone or Facetime.

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Faith Explorers
7:00 PM19:00

Faith Explorers


Have you attended an Alpha Course? Are you thirsting for more? Do you want to enkindle that sense of friendship, of discovery, of hope? Why not sign up to Faith Explorers? This is a new online initiative run by St Joseph’s, beginning on Thursday 1 October with a range of themes to explore, designed to encourage you to continue the journey. Please contact

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Book Launch
7:00 PM19:00

Book Launch

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Our parish story and history has finally been published and we are formally launching it on 20 October. This project has been completed with the support of a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. This dynamic book provides an immersive experience with expert contributions from Ruth Baker, a creative writer, James Crowley, an architectural historian, parishioner Frances Dawbarn, and original illustrations from Rebecca Sheeran and graphic design by Rob Hotchkiss. The result is impressive, opening up vistas into history, culture and the beauty of St Joseph’s and its story. At the online launch, we hope that our contributors will be able to present their parts of the story and answer questions from historians, Dr Sam Riches of the Regional Heritage Centre at the University of Lancaster and Mr David Howarth, Head of History at Our Lady’s Catholic College, who have both been involved in a project to bring young people into contact with local history. Please email the parish for a link to the Zoom launch.


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Fruitful Disciples Retreat
2:00 PM14:00

Fruitful Disciples Retreat


Over the past months, all of us have been challenged in so many ways, and the new circumstances have called forth a deepening of roots into the life of Christ. Drawing from that life, Christians are called to bear fruit in the world: in our homes, in our families, in our places of work, in the world around us. This retreat seeks to give you a moment to spend some time in prayer and reflection and ask the question, how can I become a missionary disciple?

The online retreat will be live streamed on St. Joseph’s main Facebook page at 2pm and on St. Joseph’s Liturgy of the Word / Children’s Corner / Music Ministry Facebook pages between 2.30pm – 4pm. Everybody welcome!

•2pm – 2.25 pm Introduction, testimony, Prayer and Praise & Worship on the Parish Facebook

•2.30pm – 4pm Liturgy of the Word, Messy Church, Praise & Worship online on different parish Group Facebook pages

•4pm – 6pm Reflection time in your own homes

•6pm Adoration in church and 6.30pm Mass in church and online.

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Heritage Open Day - Garden
2:00 PM14:00

Heritage Open Day - Garden


Whilst the church oozes history, it’s garden quietly frames it. The formal front garden is quietly being restored holding the tomb stone of our patroness Miss Coulston. In the rear garden, not only do you get great views of the church sanctuary from the outside, there you will also see a lovingly planted ‘new’ parish community allotment. The space was birthed during our Covid lock-down from donations from the parish. A former wasteland gave way to vegetables and fruit from our rich blessed earth!The produce is sold in the parish to fund stock/plants for the following year. Any excess stock too goes to our food club. This space already lends itself to socially distanced meetings, Praise & Worship Gigs and the odd covid- time wedding!  And once Covid is through, we plan to run ‘prayer and gardening’ retreats and are already building up a team of volunteers to help with the day-to-day tasks.

Come along, enjoy the space, and some allotment produce (including fresh jams) will be available to take away for a small donation! Meet in the church for a short talk at 2pm and then the tour of the garden at the back.

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Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible
7:00 PM19:00

Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible


An engaging eight-session online introduction to the Bible, led by Jeff Cavins, beginning at 6.30pm on Thursday 28 May, exploring the Bible and how it relates to your life, how the Old and New Testaments connect with one another, and how the sacraments, the Church, and our entire Catholic faith are rooted in the Scriptures. The course will be run on Zoom. Please email St Joseph’s if you would like to participate in this course so that we can send you the Zoom link.

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