Noah’s Ark
In the lead-up towards Christmas St Joseph’s will host a number of school and parish concerts. In addition, we are delighted to be the first Catholic Church in the country to exhibit the Knitted Bible Exhibition. Fr Philip first came across this travelling exhibition when he was at Chester Cathedral. He was struck by the sheer creativity of the project and the awe and wonder that the exhibition was inspiring in both children and adults. Over several years, Hartlepool URC church, created over thirty different scenes from the Bible. The initiative began with the Last Supper, but then expanded to cover stories from the beginning of creation and the story of Adam and Eve all the way through to Abraham and Moses, and the great prophets such as Jonah and the whale. The exhibition then tells the story of Jesus’s birth, the beginning of his public ministry, his miracles, and his passion and resurrection.
The birth of Jesus
The baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan with John the Baptist
The exhibition coincides with the beginning of a year set aside by the Church on the theme of the Word of God, ‘The God who Speaks’.
The Exhibition is open after every Mass throughout the week, and on Saturday 11 and 18 January, 11am-3pm, or by appointment. School groups are asked to contact the church directly. Everyone is most welcome.
Jesus heals the paralysed man
Riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
The Last Supper
The miraculous catch. Breakfast on the beach with the Risen Lord.