Contact St Joseph's Catholic Church, Lancaster

Address: ST. Joseph’s Presbytery, Slyne Road, LA1 2HU

Tel: 01524 32493

Use the form on the right to make contact.

2 Slyne Road
Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 2HU

01524 32493

St Joseph’s Catholic Church in Lancaster – St Joseph’s parish comprises the northern side of the River Lune at Lancaster, taking in Ryelands, Skerton, Beaumont, and Halton. We are a small community where you will receive a warm welcome.

Love came down in Skerton


Love came down in Skerton

Guest User


These are difficult times, but one of the good things to come out of all this Covid drama, is the way in which people are pulling together and reaching out to those in need in our midst. Just as Love came down from Heaven in Bethlehem, so love goes out to the ends of the earth. Here’s a little run-down of some good news:

  1. With the support of 19 local businesses and friends the Melbourne Food Club launched a Christmas Operation which raised £1300 plus gift donations to provide good quality presents for over 70 local children and families. Together with St Joseph’s church the Food Club continues to regularly feed between 50 and 70 families a week, and over the course of this past year, Fareshare estimate that the Melbourne Food Club has created over 29,840 meals. From its surplus, Julie has been able to give food to to Hyning Hall Monastery, Walter Lyon House, Wildlife Oasis, Womans Aid, and Fathers House.

  2. Little Joe’s Clothes Club which is run from St Joseph’s by Karen and Peter, and Veronica, and their team, have continued to support hundreds of families through this year, providing clothing for newly-born babies and children all the way up to the age of 10. Through the Little Joe’s Christmas Appeal, they have made Christmas magical for 33 families, providing toys for children.

  3. St Joseph’s parish received a grant from Lancaster Community Fund and through the generosity of parishioners managed to provide 307 Christmas Boxes to families, donating them to Skerton Community Food Club, Melbourne Food Club, Ryelands Primary School, St Joseph’s Primary School and Our Lady’s Catholic College. Students from Lancaster and Morecambe College helped to prepare many of the boxes. As part of the Skerton Community Network, St Joseph’s also initiated a Christmas Card project, whereby the schools of the area have been making cards for the housebound and isolated members of our community, and set up a Christmas Family Trail around Skerton. And finally, our very own parish choir have created a playlist of Christmas Carols for Nazareth House and for the nursing and care homes of the area, and for the wider community so that everyone can enjoy the Christmas spirit.

Delivering Christmas Boxes to Ryelands Primary School

Delivering Christmas Boxes to Ryelands Primary School

On behalf of everyone at St Joseph’s, Fr Philip would like to thank the amazing work of the parish and all her collaborators, as we seek not to live for ourselves but for all those around us, especially those who are struggling most at this time. If anyone has any prayer intentions or if you need some more practical help, please do not hesitate to contact our team of Prayer Warriors and our Guardian Angel initiative. And have a wonderful Christmas to you all!!!
