Contact St Joseph's Catholic Church, Lancaster

Address: ST. Joseph’s Presbytery, Slyne Road, LA1 2HU

Tel: 01524 32493

Use the form on the right to make contact.

2 Slyne Road
Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 2HU

01524 32493

St Joseph’s Catholic Church in Lancaster – St Joseph’s parish comprises the northern side of the River Lune at Lancaster, taking in Ryelands, Skerton, Beaumont, and Halton. We are a small community where you will receive a warm welcome.


News from the Isle of Man

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A few months ago, Deacon Stephen and Anna moved from the parish to the Isle of Man where Deacon Stephen’s family originate. We have greatly missed their presence in the parish and here they share how they have been settling into their new life…

Hello everyone !
Well, we can hardly believe four months have passed since we arrived here in The Isle Of Man!
My father- in- law has told me it’s long enough to be classed as a ‘stopover ‘ now no longer a ‘come over ‘ although Steve is a ‘manxman ‘ by birth ( which I guess makes him a returningover ?!) .
The Island is very beautiful even though the winter weather involves high winds and lots of rain ( not unlike Morecambe really !) . You probably won’t be surprised to hear we’re both very involved in the rich musical life of the Island and of course at Church and in Parish life ; I’m now playing at ‘St . Mary’s Of The Isle ‘and Steve is working with the choir as well as playing trumpet !
We recently celebrated Steves mums’ 80th Birthday and along with some other family members gave her a ‘surprise ‘ performance of ‘The Wizard Of Oz ‘ complete with loaned costumes so we’d look the part ( will let you guess which parts we took ; photos went only to selected family and friends ; sorry but not for Facebook viewing ; we’d never live it down!! ) .
We do miss everyone greatly and look forward to returning for a visit as soon as Covid restrictions are lifted . We are very fortunate here as life is so ‘normal ‘ ; it is easier on an Island but they have done a very good job of keeping it away currently through very strict monitoring ( even those attempting to jet - ski over here don’t get past them !) .
I also hope a Parish visit may be possible late next year and have mentioned to Fr . Philip that I’m sure it would be an enjoyable ‘mini- break ‘ with lots of interesting places to visit and many beautiful Churches to see too.
Meanwhile , we will be thinking of everyone over Christmas and you will all be in our prayers .
Very much love , Anna and Steve x🇮🇲