Contact St Joseph's Catholic Church, Lancaster

Address: ST. Joseph’s Presbytery, Slyne Road, LA1 2HU

Tel: 01524 32493

Use the form on the right to make contact.

2 Slyne Road
Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 2HU

01524 32493

St Joseph’s Catholic Church in Lancaster – St Joseph’s parish comprises the northern side of the River Lune at Lancaster, taking in Ryelands, Skerton, Beaumont, and Halton. We are a small community where you will receive a warm welcome.

Let there be Light!


Let there be Light!

Guest User


Over these past five days we have been posting some stories of people’s lives, and how a course which is run at St Joseph’s called Alpha has literally been transforming people’s lives. Today, on this last day of the year, we hear from Robert who is from a farming background and who now teaches at Myerscough College.

This year I believe I have received the Holy Spirit and I have been given the strength to have a deeper understanding of my faith and share it with other people. Starting in September last year I was a group leader for one of the Alpha groups, following on from completing the meetings earlier in the year. This was repeated again in January with a new group.

However, during the Holy Spirit weekend at Castlerigg in March, we divided all the different meeting roles between all the group leaders attending. I volunteered to do the Prayer Ministry in the chapel on the Saturday evening, something I believe without the power of the Holy Spirit I would never have once considered.

During the lockdown period I became involved with different aspects of my faith. I co-ordinate the Angel Warriors prayer group, organise the technology for the online Alpha meetings and I now feel more confident talking about my faith and religion. However, the biggest change has been reading the Bible most days due in part to having more time, although I did feel it was something that was lacking before this having only ever read Mark and Luke’s Gospels. I have now completed reading the whole of the Bible from cover to cover. I don’t think I could have done any of this without having the support and power of the Holy Spirit. 


St Joseph’s is running its next Alpha Course, beginning on Thursday 14 January at 7pm online. Why not join us? From the comfort of your home you can join and watch the videos, share your own thoughts, and make new friends in what is a life-changing experience. For further details, email
