But something rumbled deeper. Living next door to the church, I found myself attending the odd weekday mass. I enjoyed the peace and stillness of the moment. I was emotionally numb, the priest would preach but I didn’t have the ears to listen to the message..... still I came for the peace and stillness more and more, till daily mass became a regular habit. The papers and kindling of the fire were being laid. The air was stirring....
Then the changes in our little church took a new direction. A pair of young and challenging priests were delivered, gifted preachers. For the very first time in forty years of listening, I heard the Gospel’s message of love. I was love, and was capable of being loved, unconditionally. As you can imagine the fire lit, and the thirst for more became un-quenching.
Fast forward a few years, and the ups and downs of life and church life has fuelled and doused down those flames, but even in the spiritual desert there are embers; and hope of what is possible.
So very recently, after a ‘usual’ ‘routine’ confession, our priest gave me a book to read called ‘Unbound’’-by M Lozano. At first I thought cheers mate! - this is one hell of a penance! and I vowed under my breath to find a new confessor quick! But I began to read......
As I did I understood my faith and it’s purpose for the very first time. I found that the complexities of life and ups and downs with people doesn’t happen to just me, but to all of us. So many times people tell us ‘it’s all in God’s plan’ and we want to strangle them because we’re frustrated, angry and lost. But ‘Unbound’ gave me a map to freedom in Christ, a sense of purpose, a drive and a reason to breathe. For me ‘Unbound’ was the much needed spiritual psychotherapy I was seeking. It helped me to understand how we each internally interpret our life experiences and how they define you. From that very early age, the brain listened and set up thinking patterns, often unhelpful and filled with lies you’ve told yourself along the way that bind you from blossoming and believing your self worth and identity.
Reading the ‘Unbound’ book and then experiencing the ministry gave me the language to surrender myself, my experiences and life to God, and take up the role He intended, as His Child. Through this ministry I met God the Father. I learned that I am worthy! I am loved! I don’t need to ‘do’ anything to win the love of the Father! I am the apple of His eye. He delights in me! Yes ME!!! I’m His creation. I’m uniquely me, made in His image and likeness. HE LOVES ME!
So what is ‘Unbound’? And how does it work?
‘Unbound’ presents a simple model of FIVE KEYS of deliverance to find your freedom in Christ. These keys being Repentance & Faith, Forgiveness, Enemies/Lies to renounce, Command and Father’s Blessing.
Imagine there’s a door with five locks, and in the other side is Christ, and our freedom. We can use one or two keys, but that won’t open the door. We need to use all five to experience real freedom in Christ. The seal is the Father’s Blessing, and in my option the most beautiful part of it all.
There are a couple of ways to unlock the door. One, read the book and talk it through as directed (in the book) with spiritual friend or priest. Another option is to attend a prayer ministry session where you will be able to share your unique story confidentially, and a prayer leader and intercessor will guide you through the process.
A few months after reading the book I was fortunate enough to attend the national training and conference; lead by Matt Lozano, the writer’s son. After receiving the ministry, I was given what felt like an impossible task, to intercede and eventually lead the prayer ministry. With trust and the will the Father, I discovered it was easy to share this new found freedom.
This deliverance ministry doesn’t replace the sacrament of confession, but enhances it. For instance; the mother that comes time and again to the confession asking for forgiveness for the way she is with her kids on a school day morning.. It doesn’t matter how organised she is, or how she goes about things, the early morning rush to school is alway manic, and it seems she has to ‘loose it’ in order to be heard and listened to. By the time they’ve all got to the school gates, she feels wretched, beaten and a failure. She is sorrowful, angry at herself and resents herself for having to resort to this behaviour over and over to get by. Despite her repentance and prayer, things never seem to change. ‘Unbound’ deliverance ministry would listen to this account, but look deeper. This mum is angry and resentful because under all this is a mum who is struggling with her identity. Underneath all this she believes she is a terrible mum, ill equipped, trying hard but doing an awful job of it all. Looking a little deeper, we learn the lies of the enemy, whispers of worthlessness, isolation and anxiety of being a mother. We hear the fear of responsibility which paralyses, her role as a woman and a mother never really blessed; and the echos of how her own mother cared for her. This ministry would unbind her from the these lies; and show her the true identity of love in Christ. A new perspective, a new blessed identity and a sense of hope.
Deliverance isn’t a ‘dirty’ word, any more than redemption! The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer of deliverance and each time we ask Our Father to “deliver us from evil”. This Unbound model is gentle, respectful and lets the Holy Spirit guide the process. We’re all destined to find our true identity in Christ.
Curious? Look up ‘Unbound’ via Heart of the Father, get the book by Neal Lozano. Open your heart and the rest will follow.